Shannons Sydney Classic
Sunday 20th August 2023
Sydney Motorsport Park
This major event has been run for close to 60 years and is the biggest of its type.
The space allocation for each Club has been reduced to 20 vehicles each due to construction works.
There will be no area D over next to the grandstand. All display vehicles will be in the main areas.
Our Club has already booked and paid for the maximum 20 vehicle places so we can be allocated the best location possible.
The $25 per vehicle cost for entrants will be covered by our Club as this event is all about exposure to the general public, and $5 of that goes to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation.
Each vehicle entered can carry the full complement of passengers into the display area for no extra cost.
Because there are only 20 display places the Club will be allocating entries based on vehicles submitted via this Expression of Interest.
Priority will be given to cars that competed in last year’s Muscle Car Shows. Those cars that were not entrants in last year’s Shannons Sydney Classic will have precedence.
Members who submit this Expression of Interest will be advised if they will be included in our Club’s 2023 Shannons Sydney Classic display early in July this year, if not sooner.
You will need to log in with the account that includes the vehicle which you want to have considered for this Club display.