HSVOC Team Roll Racing
Friday Night, 14th May
Sydney Motorsport Park
The Motorsport Team is organising a night of fun in your HSV at this event.
Entry is a little different than our usual Club Events.
Entry Tickets only become available after 8:00 pm on the night of the previous event Friday 23rd April, and usually sell out on that night.
So after 8:00 pm on Friday 23rd April go to: https://rollracing.com.au/buy-online/ and click on the 14th May Sydney event.
There are 3 levels of entry tickets:
VIP (includes garage, tender pass and spectator ticket) $130
Entry with a carport (includes tender pass) $90
and just entry (includes tender pass) $75
VIP tickets sell out by the end of the night and the others by end of the weekend, so you need to be quick.
You will also need a Racers Licence, which is available at the same time for $30 for the night. More info on the Roll Racing website.
Motorsport Team member Brett Gilles and others are regulars and will help you with any queries on the night.
If you have any questions, please email Brett at: brettgil@iinet.net.au
Maximum entries are capped at around 130 and you will get up to 15 runs on the night as there is only a 20-30 sec gap between pairs.
The night runs from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
Passengers are permitted on all runs for a small fee and signed indemnity. Its all great fun and very good value..
We hope to see a big team from the Club at this one.
Paul Van Neijenhoff
Motorsport Director