“No Speed Limits” Track Day – 14th July 2018
The day is untimed and cost for driver is $150.
Cost for passenger (not a driver) is $150. Driver can be a passenger at no extra cost.
Passenger and driver needs a helmet (to AS/NZS1698) and long sleeve top and pants.
For drivers – CAMS L2S accepted or MDTC lic is $50 for 12 months available on the day
Email brettgil@iinet.net.au to advise that you are coming along
and what car you will be bringing. Brett will advise MDTC names before the day.
Names need to be supplied to MDTC before the day but payment is made on the day.
Brett will then send you final details a few days beforehand (who’s coming along, how to get there etc).
Gates open at 8:00am on the day, then head to admin office to enter
and pay before the 8:30am drivers briefing and 8.45am track walk.
Link to view new track: https://youtu.be/0QQlNYm6x08
Any queries contact Brett Gilles: brettgil@iinet.net.au