2020 must be the most disastrous year in the Club’s history! Not only did the global Covid-19 pandemic hit Australia hard in March which saw events and activities cancelled or postponed throughout the year, but General Motors announced that the Holden Brand would cease at the end of 2020. GM established a new company in Australia – GM Specialty Vehicles (GMSV). Following the success of HSV’s work with GM product, the Walkinshaw Automotive Group were asked to continue to re-engineer the Silverado 1500’s on behalf of GMSV.
The HSV Club’s throughout Australia decided not to include GMSV plated vehicles and to stay true to the Holden Heritage started back in 1980 by Peter Brock. Only HSV or HDT plated vehicles will be eligible for club membership. The sad end to a 40 year era.
Social Events: Runs to Southern Highlands Winery -Joadja Estate (January), Annual Peter Brock Memorial Run to Mount Panorama Bathurst (February) happened before Covid-19 restrictions came into place in March which saw the Steamfest Club Display at Maitland (April), HSV Fest long weekend in Albury Wodonga (June) and the Coffs Harbour Weekend Away (October) all cancelled. A Covid-19 friendly Glenorie Bakery and historic Ebenezer Church was able to be held in March.
Special Events: The Gala Dinner Presentation Night at La Montage function center, Lilyfield had to postponed to 2021 due to Government Covid-19 restrictions and only one Muscle Car Show was able to be held, and that had to wait until after October 1st for restrictions to lift sufficiently to make it viable. Even so, the general public was not allowed, and social distancing had to be maintained. All Holden Day was also postponed with entries moved forward to 2021.
The Club’s Christmas meeting on 1st December was one of the first Covid-19 Safe meetings with 90 members attending festivities with plenty of food, drink and great company that made it a great social night.
2020 Club Motorsport Championship Winners:
Malcolm Michel (pictured above) won the Phillip Walsh Memorial Motorsport Trophy followed by Anthony Petrik and Louise Taylor. Malcolm Michel tied with Bill Vouden to win the Road Holden Class with Anthony McDermott in 3rd, Anthony Petrik won the Race Holden Class followed by Scott McKune and Arthur Tsovolos, Louise Taylor won the Outlaw Class followed by David Wylie and Peter Beswick.
2020 Motorsport Australia NSW Supersprint Championship Results:
Our Club had 15 active Motorsport Australia registrants for 2020. David Wylie won both Type 3R (Improved Production) and Class 3R3 (<4000cc), with Louise Taylor in second place in both the same Type and Class. Jackson Wylie completed the trifecta with a third place in Class 3R3. Peter Beswick won Class 3R4 (Improved Production >4000cc) with Scott McKune 3rd place in that Class. Anthony Petrik won both Type 3S (Sports Sedans) and Class 3S4 (>4000cc). Malcolm Michel came in 3rd place in Type RM (Modified Road Cars) and 2nd place in Class RM4 (>4000cc). Bill Vouden came in 2nd place in Type RR (Road Registered Cars) and 1st place in Class RR4 (>4000cc), with Tony McDermott coming in 2nd place in that Class.
Our Club was also runners up to the ARDC in the Motorsport Australia NSW Supersprint Club Championship, the second time in a row we’d placed 2nd in the State and the fifth consecutive year on the podium.
Motorsport: Motorsport NSW Supersprint Championships were reduced from 6 Rounds to 5 when Round 2 had to be cancelled due to Government Covid-19 restrictions. Motorsport Australia introduced a “Return to Race” plan that allowed events to be run with reduced numbers and restrictions designed to comply with Government requirements. The Australian National Supersprint Championship which was to be run in November at SMSP was postponed to 2021 due to border closures. The NSW 6 Hour regularity at SMSP in May had to be cancelled, as were the “No Speed Limits” Drive Days at Pheasants Wood and the Targa High Country event. Ian Luff closed his operations at Eastern Creek and Roll Racing at Sydney Motorsport Park restarted later in 2020 after the Covid-19 restrictions became less onerous.
2020 Muscle Car Show Championship Winners:
Sunday 11th October was our only “Covid-19 Safe” Muscle Car Show for 2020 and was the third year running that it was held at Sydney Motorsport Park.
Grand Champion HDT/HSV/Chev: Sean Cobb.
Elite Champion: Sean Cobb.
Show n Shine Champion: David Morris.
Daily Driven Champion: Brett Humby.
Classic Champion: Steve Mortakis.
Modified Champion: Steve Kay.
Series Champions: VC Paul Beswick, VH Brenton Schuback, VK Frank Garzaniti, VL HDT Steve Mortakis, VL HSV David Sultana, VN David Sultana, VR George Tzelepis, VS Brenton Schuback, VT Michael Bagala, VX Aron Williams, VY Joe Garzaniti, VZ Paul Woods, E2 Peter Murphy, E3 Steve Kay, Gen F1 Michael Benton, Gen F2 Rodney Wood.
Model Champions: Grange Ian Williams, Maloo Steve Palmer, Coupe Paul Woods, SV Davis Sultana, Senator Ralph Abend, GTS/GTSR Steve Kay, ClubSport Joe Garzaniti, Camaro Sean Cobb, SportsCat Grant Payne.
Entrants Choice: Steve Kay
Rookie Award: Peter Collins.
Historic Vehicles
2020 saw a surge in Historic and Classic conditional registration with our club as more vehicles became eligible for this scheme becoming 30 years old, with Club registrations exceeding 20.
2020 Committee: President Joe Garzaniti, VP David Sultana, Secretary Karin Ross, Treasurer Carlo Disaro, Public Officer Ian Williams, Membership Secretary Andi Willelson, Social Secretary Louise Davey, Special Events Frank Vivoda, Motorsport Director Paul Van Neijenhoff, Motorsport Australia Delegate Ian Williams, Magazine Editor Karin Ross, Webmaster Ian Williams, Media Director Brett Davey, Historic & Classic Plate Registrar Michael Benton, Merchandise Officers Louise Davey & Andi Willelson.
Patrons: Peter Brock, Ryan Walkinshaw; Foundation Life Members: Warren Jenkins (Pres.), Jeff Kelly (VP), Brian Cassell (Sec.), Mark Hitchinson (Treas.), Tricia Campbell (Social Sec.), Les McClelland (Member); Life Members: Gary Benson, Robert Heard, Brett Gilles, Brian Crawford, Barry Wright, Mike Chapman, Joe Garzaniti, Karin Ross; Honorary Members: Ian Luff, Warren Luff, Betty Klimenko, Petar Sabados.
2020 Club Magazines:
The significantly reduced number of meetings, activities and events in 2020 meant that for the first time in 20 years the Club magazine was unable to be published every two months. Only 4 editions of the Club Magazine were published in 2020: