HSV released its VR series in 1993 and the Club was invited to the official release at the Huntley Hotel where they were joined by Thomas Mazera, John Crennan and others.

After serving as Vice President in 1991 and 1992, Brett Gilles became club President in 1993 and grew membership to over 200 for the first time. Larry Perkins was Guest Speaker at the June General Meeting and Peter Brock was Guest Speaker at the August General Meeting.
The Club also revived the Club Motorsport Championships with Type Champions, a Ladies Champion and a Junior Champion.
The club introduced 6 months waiting list on those seeking “club insurance” to prevent the “general public just rolling up” and joining to get the Australian National Street Machine Association member only insurance for their cars.
Social Events:
Night Cruise on Sydney Harbour with dinner, drinks & dancing (February), Annual early morning run to Newcastle (May), Night Out at the Stepping Out Theatre Restaurant (June), Weekend Away Coolangatta Historic Village Shoalhaven Heads (August), Sunday Drive to Canberra – Floriade / Tidbinbilla Tracking Station (October), Annual Muscle Car Run to the “Top of the Mountain” Mount Panorama Bathurst (October), Christmas Party & Show n Shine at Stuart Park Wollongong (December).
Driver Training Day (February), Club Motorsport Championship – 6 Rounds (Oran Park x 3, Amaroo Park x 2, Eastern Creek x 1).
1993 Club Motorsport Championship winners were: Jim Neville (Type 1 Champion), Glenn Buckley (Type 2 Champion), Rob Heard (Type 3 Champion), Collen Claydon (Ladies Champion), Tyler Mecklem (Junior Champion).
1993 Committee: President Brett Gilles, VP Brian Crawford, Secretary Peter Beswick, Treasurer Hugh Rees, Public Officer Peter Beswick, Membership Secretary Peter Folley, Social Secretaries Collen Claydon & Kris Green, Special Events Director Vince Finocciaro, Motorsport Director Barry Smith, CAMS Delegate Stephen Kent, Merchandise Co-ordinator Heinz Reinhardt, Magazine Editor Gary Bayly & Ellen Bryce, Magazine Photographer Peter Hennessy.
Patron: Peter Brock
1993 Club Magazines:
The 1993 Club Magazines continued to carry over the same cover theme as previous years.

Missing Information: Missing Information: We do not have copies of the June/July edition of our Club magazine. If members have a copy of this magazine please contact webmaster@hsvclubnsw.com so that the information in this section can be updated.